MOUNTAIN BIKING: Stagecoach/flood/manzanita



The Stagecoach Trail is fire road. It's fun to go fast, but beware there are lots of joggers that use this trail and there's a 15mph sign. If you park at the top, you could go down Manzanita by continuing down from where you parked at the end of Russell rd. Go down the hill and make a left at Canyon rd I believe (just keep going downhill). That road will turn to dirt and there's a green gate, after the gate about 100 yds maybe, on the left is Manzanita. Manzanita is pretty technical in places, but it's a sweet singletrack in the bushes that dumps off about half way down Stagecoach. From there you could ride back up a little ways and catch the Flood trail (or if you went down Stagecoach from where you parked, you'll hit Flood trail on you left). Flood goes up the hill a little bit and then turns down for a pretty sweet downhill that will dump back off on Stagecoach. Take stagecoach all the way down. Or if you're feeling up to it, there is a chute that dives down right after a 15mph sign. It says no bikes. Expert only on that preferably on a DH bike.


From I-80 take the Elm St. exit and head toward Hwy 49 South. Turn left onto Lincoln and then proceed north to Russell Rd. Make a right onto Russell and follow until the road turns hard right. Trailherad is on the left. <br /><br />Or you could start at the bottom. Which is at the American river Confluence under the Forresthill Bridge.